Additional Documentation Requests

Additional Documentation Requests

"I’ve been dreaming of the moment that the team will no longer have to do the laborious process of identifying new ADR requests.  Thanks for getting us there!"

Deb Lare
Corporate Director Billing | Patient Financial Services

In today's healthcare landscape, it's more important than ever to be prepared to respond to Additional Documentation Requests (ADRs). These requests, which require additional medical documentation to support claims, can delay payment and affect cash flow for healthcare providers.

But that's not all. Missed ADRs can result in denials, and denials from ADRs can lead to even more ADRs, tying up valuable time and resources for management and staff. It's imperative that your team fully understands what's being requested and prepares a thorough response.

That's where OnTarget Revenue comes in. We provide the tools and services to make your team as efficient as possible, so you can focus on what matters most - preparing the record that you will submit. Our solutions help ensure that all the components of a complete medical record are included and that the record is sent timely and received.

Electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR)

Currently providers and suppliers receive Additional Documentation Request (ADR) letters from Medicare Auditors by US postal mail. These ADR letters, if received electronically, will reduce the provider and supplier response time and increase efficiency in the ADR review process.

ADR PDF Processing

When electronic ADR's aren't possible let us convert your ADR PDFs so that you can manage them in OnTarget Revenue. This a great solution for Commercial Audits.

  1. Just Upload your ADR PDF into OnTarget Revenue
  2. We convert the PDF and you account is ready to be managed.

Demographics ADR Processing

You can also add accounts to OnTarget Revenue by letting us connect to your demographics data. New account information can be populated by keying in an existing account number. This works well for Commercial Audits and Prior Authorizations.